Yasuko Tsunoda


On Saturday, I got to meet Yasuko, a pianist from Cal State East Bay for a brief headshot session. We ended up having a cool spontaneous adventure on our shoot. Walking up Oak Street from the Lake Merritt BART, we saw a restaurant with a cool brick and window facade. When someone from the restaurant spotted us taking photos, he invited us inside. But instead of the little dining area I expected, there turned out to be a large outdoor patio area with all sorts of random tables, seating, a stage area, and basically a bunch of really great props to work with. Who knew! Oasis Restaurant & Bar. They turn into a club at night and play reggae and other funky stuff.

Anyway, love the way these photos turned out. Sometimes photography is just so much about synchronicity. I’m wishing Yasuko all the best in her endeavors to be your next cruise ship pianist!

