Moving Freely through Spaces


I love the feeling of moving freely through spaces, walking through cities, and exploring and traveling across imagined boundaries. I can feel my sense of place and belonging expand as I move. I think this sensation is partly why I’ve always loved traveling.

This past week has been incredible. Spurred by daylight savings, I’ve been up with the sun each day and off to various places on photo shoots and other adventures. Richmond hills, Berkeley Marina, Lake Merritt, Sunset district of SF, Japantown theaters for the SFIAAFF… This is exactly why I love the Bay Area, with all its amazing places to explore.

For example: yesterday morning, I went into the city for an AmeriCorps meeting. I took the BART to Powell and walked down 5th and Market St. Tucked away in what used to be a side street was this amazing little gem, Mint Plaza. It’s the kind of great outdoor public space that must be an architect’s dream project. I think maybe I’ll come back for a shoot some day.



All of these were shot with my trusty LX3 point-and-shoot.


I mean really. My photography brings me on all these different shoots in the mornings and on weekends, and I still hold down my full time job, where I get to come across spaces like these every once in a while, in the middle of the work week. I am spoiled silly, and absolutely in love.