Mount Tamalpais


I am not exactly an outdoorsy person. I am quite the opposite of the athletic, adventure-sports type, and I prefer to have internet and running water around as much as possible. But somehow, I rather like the idea of camping. It speaks to the quiet explorer side of me– being able to break routine, go out to a new place, and live in it and experience it in a whole different way.

Last weekend, Ernie and I went to Mt. Tam just north of the Golden Gate Bridge for some easy camping. Lucky for me, Ernie is much more of the outdoorsy athletic type, so he did all of the hard work while I just got to tag along and breathe in nature. He even cooked a ridiculous gourmet meal over an open fire (ratatouille, potatoes, burgers, and oysters!). But then again, our second day was spent on a five-hour hike going up and down 1500 feet in elevation, which was not nearly as luxurious as I would have hoped. But I’ll admit, I got some nice photographs and a lot of exercise out of the experience.

Here we are, fresh after the morning rains, embarking on the hike.


There really is something refreshing and magical about a forest covered in a thick layer of mist.



These next few photos were all shot with my LX3 point-and-shoot, since I didn’t want to lug around my SLR on the hike. More proof that the camera isn’t as important as the photographer. Plus, the LX3 is really extraordinary for shooting macro shots, as seen with these dew-covered plants.



And below, two photos from San Francisco (taken while at a Giants’ game) a couple days later. Not part of the camping trip, but they fit the look nicely.


I’ll admit I probably say this too often, but the Bay Area never ceases to amaze me. Beautiful mountains, giant grassy fields, misty trees, ocean views, mild weather, and a surprising lack of insects. Ahh, life.