Custom Logo Stamp | DIY Project
When I redesigned my logo a little while back, I wanted to be able to brand everything with it– my client discs, notecards, or anything else I might think of. So I considered printing stickers, having custom stationery made, or even ordering a custom stamper or debosser, any of which would have been great, but expensive. So I came up with a $1 solution. My mom used to carve erasers into stamps, and I had done it a long time ago too. So with a 3-pack of vinyl erasers I had lying around, I got to work on creating my own custom logo stamp. Here’s the result– and how you can make one of your own.
- vinyl/plastic eraser
- logo or design
- pencil
- xacto knife
- markers or inkpad
Step 1: Determine your design or your logo and print it to size.
Step 2: Color over your design with pencil. Press hard! You’ll be using the graphite as a transfer.
Step 3: Turn the penciled design over and line it up on your eraser. Color over the back of the design to transfer the graphite onto the eraser.
Step 4: Carefully carve out the negative space in your design.
Step 5: Ink or color over your finished stamp with a washable marker, and see the finished design!
Voila! Your very own custom stamp for less than $1. Can’t beat that!