The Beauty of Night | Atlanta, Georgia
At first it reminded me of home in the Midwest with all the standard earmarks of suburbia. Wider streets, bigger trees, strip malls strewn about. But with the mansions came the realization that yes, this was the South. I went to college in the South, technically– though Duke is neatly tucked away in its own bubble within North Carolina. But with a small dose of sweet tea and collard greens it all came rushing back. Things I hadn’t thought about in years and a completely different life that I once had.
In the calmest crevices of the night I am still left with echoes of these memories churning in my head, thoughts of what was and what became. It’s the beauty of night, of being transported to a different place and a different time.
The above images of the Atlanta skyline were taken from atop the Savannah College of Art & Design parking deck. Thanks to Grace for bringing me up there! Much more Atlanta goodness to come.