A Natural Glow | Pointe of View

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When I look at this image, I love the colors of autumn, the beautiful dancer, and the fact that I once took my high school prom photos right next to this gazebo. But the thing I love most is the light. I have always tended toward being a natural light photographer, scouting for light and working with the gems that I find. Over the years, I’ve learned more and more about how to manipulate light or create it where it doesn’t exist naturally, but I still find something so beautiful and satisfying about working with what is already there. In this instance, it was a perfect combination of the diffuse light from the sky and the fill light from the open sides of the gazebo that created this glowing ballerina. Love.

Every Monday, I feature an image and backstory from my Pointe of View series. For more, view all these ballerina posts or visit the Pointe of View store.

A Natural Glow

Ballet dancer: Kristen Toher
Hair: Krystal Compston
Makeup: Christine Tomei Orelli
Photographer: Anna Wu Photography
Location: Eden Park, Cincinnati, Ohio

Visit the Pointe of View store to purchase limited edition prints.