Over the Queen City | Pointe of View


Every Monday, I feature an image and backstory from my Pointe of View series. For more, view all these ballerina posts or visit the Pointe of View store.

Cincinnati, Ohio, has never looked so good. I spent my middle school and high school years in the suburbs of Cincinnati, and yet it’s fair to say I never really bonded with the city. Despite the many happy memories and great friendships that I built here, but my associations just never really melded into a love for the place itself. Instead, I am left with a strange sense of ambivalence about it all. But I returned to visit Cincinnati last month– the first time I had been back in two years– and I suppose I had a chance to see it anew. I set up this wonderful Pointe of View shoot for the same day I arrived. Toward the end of the session, we headed to this beautiful lookout point atop Mount Adams, and Kristen danced across the skyline just as the sun began to descend in the sky. It rang with a sense of grandeur and a glimpse of what could be, a brilliant city I could still get to know; a place that could still reclaim its promise as the Queen City of the West.

Over the Queen City

Ballet dancer: Kristen Toher
Makeup: Christine Orelli
Hair: Krystal Compston
Location: Cincinnati, Ohio

Visit the Pointe of View store to purchase limited edition prints.