Bay Area Adventures | July, 2019


Welcome to the July recap! I also traveled to Lassen, Taipei, and Alaska this month, but somehow I also squeezed in all these other mini adventures while I was home in California. Take a little gander below!

First, Brianne was back in San Francisco! She moved to Singapore in the spring, but we were so lucky to have her back visiting for a couple weeks.

I helped her start her new YouTube channel! Go give her a follow at Brown Fox Calligraphy.

Later that day, dinner at Mau.

Planting some new plants in Alex’s garden: Strawberries, mint, basil, tomato, lavender, and a yuzu tree. And breakfast pastries from Tartine.

Then we were headed to Oakland for Stephanie’s Fourth of July BBQ! Featuring a million types of corn — my favorite.

Do-Hee just got back from Korea and brought us awesome luggage tags!

Garden tour!

I learned about honeysuckle nectar!

Meeting the cats. And Steph’s awesome record player.

Decked out in our red white and blue!

And afterwards… sushi for dinner!

Fireworks at Berkeley Marina.

Then my mom came to town before we headed to Taiwan together.

And fast forward to after I got back from Taiwan… hanging out with Rusty the dog at Cassie’s house.

San Francisco opening night of The Farewell.

More brunch with mom!

And lobster rolls…

A reunion of sorts, party for Yush & Cecilia who were back from Taipei for the summer! So many babies.

More meals with the fam.

And with my cousin & aunt.

And a little evening gathering at Tartine with some Life Design Group friends.

Annual Juliana Han sighting at her Piedmont Chamber Music Festival!

Friday afternoon: Do-Hee and I didn’t actually go to the Warhol exhibit when we went for the Warhol party at SFMOMA… so we decided to check it out when the crowds were much much lighter!

Afterwards, a little walk through the newly reopened Transit Park. There were tons of people there! And dinner at a Mano with Alex before…

Up! At the San Francisco Symphony.

Saturday brunch with some TAF friends!

Connie and Sue Anna were both in town all summer for summer internships, but this was the first time I saw them. And I had no idea Maylene had been living here for a while!

And after brunch, Treasurefest!

We went home with new plant friends!

And sushi for dinner!

And that’s it for July!

Anna Wu is a wedding and portrait photographer based in San Francisco. She compulsively documents and blogs all of her daily adventures. Follow her on instagram and view more of her professional work at