Our Healdsburg Minimoon

One week after our wedding, we went right back to Reeve Wines for their members’ weekend. We originally weren’t sure we would attend since we were literally just there, but instead we decided to stay the night in Healdsburg and turn it into a mini honeymoon!

It’s always such a lovely time sitting at the Reeve tasting room and looking out at the oaks and vines! This time Chef Chris made some banh mi sandwiches.

They also teamed up with SingleThread farms for a little farmstand, as well a mini shop of little vintage goods from Kelly’s collection. And of course there were many wonderful Reeve wines at the ready for members to enjoy with their pickup.

The boys feeding the goats, Leche, Mugatu, and Hazel.

The teeny tiniest of grapes just beginning to form at the end of May.

A hello from Noah. And a glimpse at our still-decorated Jeep.

Home for the night: The Madrona, a boutique hotel in a renovated Victorian. Very charming, very eclectic, and a very fun place to stay.

Settling in for a bit of poolside relaxation

Dinner at Chalkboard in downtown Healdsburg, just a mile away from the hotel.

And back at The Madrona for the loveliest sunset.

Good morning from the Madrona. Beautiful views over vineyards to start the day!

I would really like a doorstop with a handle! Keeping an eye out for a cute one. These are also the nicest hotel slippers I’ve ever encountered.

Working from the lobby.

Afternoon break for a bike ride to the general store! It was very hot and very sunny, but we got a boost from these Van Moof e-bikes.

And finally, a little jaunt into town, visiting some of our favorite shops.

Always keeping an eye out for a mahjong set (one of our sets was from a shop in Healdsburg). And taking another work break at the bar downstairs at Little Saint.

Willi’s Seafood for dinner, followed by Noble Folk Ice Cream on the square. And then it was time to go back home!

Always a joy to visit Healdsburg!

Anna Wu is a wedding and portrait photographer based in San Francisco. She compulsively documents and blogs all of her daily adventures. Follow her on instagram and view more of her professional work at annawu.com.