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Behind the Scenes of Census 2010: Write in “Taiwanese” | Passion Project

It’s been a week since the Census 2010: Write in “Taiwanese” video debuted on YouTube, and it’s already garnered over 120,000 views. Produced by Slideshow Pictures in conjunction with at least seven Taiwanese American organizations, the public service announcement is part of a larger campaign to get Taiwanese Americans to self-identify on the US Census…

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tafLabs & tafMedia

I’ve been working this week at Taiwanese American Foundation, the summer camp I’ve attended since I was ten years old. I’m serving as part of tafLabs, a new program in which we develop projects to make awesome things happen in our community. To see some of the multimedia work we’ve been doing, follow out the…

Website Revamped

Over these next few days, I will be dedicating oodles of time and efforts to establishing my photography business here in the Bay Area. There are so many things I’d like to do– projects and plans I’ve been saving for this summer– and I’m excited to share the journey with you. The first step I…

Mochi Magazine

mochi mag– empowering asian american teenage girls. i got involved with mochi last spring as the creative director. it’s a magazine started by three friends who realized a need for a magazine specific to asian american girls. they envisioned a publication run by asian american girls for asian american girls, a magazine that might serve…


Talya and Pavle

talya lieberman has a new life plan. and it’s big. they’ve already been featured by the ny times (freakonomics blog) and will soon be gracing the wall street journal. their song, freddie mac and cheese, is not only timely and witty, but musically rich– and catchy! talya and pavle. they’re an up-and-coming duo. pavle on…

New Beginnings

lying in bed for two days, this is what i came up with… a new image for the front page of annawu.com. it’s a new look as this year closes out and i think about what’s to come. the border is actually a compilation of photos, so i thought i’d point out some of the…