Matching Digital to Film | Richard Photo Lab | Shooting Film, Part 5 of 5
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Matching Digital to Film | Richard Photo Lab | Shooting Film, Part 5 of 5

If you’ve been following my blog and the Shooting Film series, you may know that I’ve been documenting all sorts of unscientific experiments in my venture into film. Part 5 was originally going to be about getting started in film, but I figure you can just go to Jonathan Canlas for that. And instead, I’ll…

Spring Colors of Atlanta | Kodak Portra 400 | Shooting Film
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Spring Colors of Atlanta | Kodak Portra 400 | Shooting Film

The warm air wrapped around me as I walked down the street in Virginia Highlands and headed out in the beautiful Atlanta neighborhood to take some photographs– on film. Here are a few of my images on Kodak Portra 400, with a couple more black and white frames from the previous roll as well. Love…

Atlanta in B&W Film | Kodak 400CN | Shooting Film
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Atlanta in B&W Film | Kodak 400CN | Shooting Film

Shooting black and white film has a whole different feeling than color or even digital black and white. The image itself comes out wrapped in a thin blanket of nostalgia. And being committed to black and white for 36 frames at a time forces you to see the world in a different way, hyper aware…