San Francisco | January & February, 2016

San Francisco | January & February, 2016

Scenes from my San Francisco Bay Area explorations in the last couple months. A hike at Cataract Falls, racing against the sun. Boutiques in Oakland’s Temescal Alley. Asian Art Museum. San Francisco Ferry Building. General Store. Outerlands. Old Town, Oakland.   Two Sisters Bar and Books. Trouble Coffee, West Oakland. Charm Villa goldfish tea from Taiwan!…

Hiking the Bay | Bothe-Napa, Redwood Regional, Cataract Falls, & Point Lobos

Hiking the Bay | Bothe-Napa, Redwood Regional, Cataract Falls, & Point Lobos

I’m not a very outdoorsy person by nature. Lacking in athleticism, having no survival skills, and having a general dislike for insects makes me pretty useless for most intense outdoor activities. But walking through pretty nature? Yes. That I love. Back in March and April, I got to go on four different hikes around the…