9 Hours in NYC

9 Hours in NYC

If you saw my post of the Nakao Family, you might already know the story behind my day trip to NYC. I hopped on a bus from Philadelphia, and for less than $20 I was able to get to and from New York, round trip. Here’s a little glimpse at my wanderings! First I met…

Neil & Tom | New York City | Same Sex Wedding Photography

Neil & Tom | New York City | Same Sex Wedding Photography

After twenty-three years, they were finally wed. For most of the day, a light and excited happiness permeated everyone’s spirits. I was immediately welcomed by Neil and Tom as we headed to Central Park, and I was warmly introduced to some of their closest friends. The wedding would be a small, intimate gathering and a lunch reception, so it felt…

Central Park & Brooklyn Bridge on Film | Snowy Winter in New York City

Central Park & Brooklyn Bridge on Film | Snowy Winter in New York City

The fluffy white snow had begun crusting into ice, rain fell from the sky, and our fingertips were frozen, but with a classic Hasselblad 501C in hand, it was all tolerable. Beautiful, even. I can think of no better way to commemorate a snowy New York City than with these lovely film– yes, analog film…

Melanie Gabrielle | Snowy Winter in New York City
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Melanie Gabrielle | Snowy Winter in New York City

I am so excited to introduce my new personal project for 2014: Art for Art. Once a month, I will find a fellow photographer whose work I admire, and I’ll photograph them; they’ll photograph me. We’ll get to see each other work; we’ll explore how different or similar our styles might be; and we can challenge ourselves…