9 Hours in NYC

9 Hours in NYC

If you saw my post of the Nakao Family, you might already know the story behind my day trip to NYC. I hopped on a bus from Philadelphia, and for less than $20 I was able to get to and from New York, round trip. Here’s a little glimpse at my wanderings! First I met…

Charleston, South Carolina

Charleston, South Carolina

Oh, charming Charleston. in mid-July, I headed to South Carolina for my friend Tiffany’s bachelorette party. Our time there was not too debaucherous but pretty adorable. So many cute historic houses and palmetto trees; a candlemaking class; a horse-drawn carriage; and lots of good drinks and great food. See a glimpse below.   Love our bride…

5 Tips For Finding Your Dress | Wedding Dress Shopping with Tiffany

5 Tips For Finding Your Dress | Wedding Dress Shopping with Tiffany

Usually when I photograph a wedding, I’m not really involved with all the details of planning. I just show up on the day of to see how it all turned out. But now that my good friend Tiffany is getting married, I am getting to follow along with her whole planning process. I was excited to go with Tiffany…

San Francisco Bay Area | December & January

San Francisco Bay Area | December & January

Snapshots from the Bay, this past December & January. A mini Duke reunion Old Ladies Knitting Club! Tuesdays Together San Francisco, happy hour edition. Sarah Kersten studio sale. A weekend trip to Tahoe with Justin, Greg & Tiffany! Many trips to SFMOMA. Tuesdays Together San Francisco, January meetup. East Bay hike. A bit of location…

Tiffany & Greg | Sonoma Surprise Proposal Photography

Tiffany & Greg | Sonoma Surprise Proposal Photography

I always love photographing surprise proposals, but this one was an especially fun treat, as the proposal was for my good friend Tiffany. She has long known that she wanted to marry Greg, and she has long said that she would want me there to photograph the proposal. Tiffany and I both travel a lot, so we actually share…