The Imperfect Ones
Pristine, perfect, posed photos are nice. But to me, the imperfect ones are the real gems. I want to trap the sneaky little moments that fly by, because they are the split seconds that reveal our true spirits and remind us to celebrate life as it is, not just as we stage it to be.
Above, one frame from my annual portrait session with the Gardner family. We had a lot of fun running around Children’s Fairyland in Oakland, or rather, following Isla as she ran around Children’s Fairyland. And while mom, dad, and Miles were ready and posed for their family portrait up on the balcony, Isla was still perfectly happy playing in jail. Rather than wait for her to join the pose, I seized the opportunity to snap away.
Don’t get me wrong. I love the happy smiley family formals we got too. But this little moment here is just so them. Priceless.