Bay Area | August, 2022


August! Begins with a virtual Office of Accountability meeting. With babies!

Book club, currently discussing Four Thousand Weeks (highly recommend).

Flying back from my Midwest tour, still knitting puffs.

A bike ride to the Ferry Building Farmers Market

Summer bbq party at Steph’s

Rainbow French manicure, a month later. Still looking great. Plus, a free water bottle from Lululemon, which I got by running 13.1 miles in August. It was a social media promo, pretty great.

Giants 2012 championship team reunion… a Scutero bobblehead, and the moment from the post season when it started raining that it references.

The old team is back, a decade later!

Young and Jess were up visiting the Bay Area briefly. We got to walk around the ballpark together even though we didn’t actually go to the game together.

New mama is out on the town! Honored to swoop Cassie away for a manicure and lunch date while her parents and Michael stepped in to take care of baby for her first solo outing since baby’s arrival. Also, something about the shape of this dish is very familiar, haha.

Still knitting.

Date night at Besharam, first time being back in person since the pandemic. Great, as always.

Afternoon tea. and a very cute little watermelon, yellow on the inside!

Special treat! Swapped our regular season tickets for an upgrade, sitting right behind home plate.

The players! Are just right there! Hanging out! Hi Thairo. And who else is sitting in our section today? McCovey Dave, famous for hanging out in his kayak in the cove next to the ballpark, ready scoop up splash hits that fly into the water. He rarely views these games on land, so it was a lucky sighting for us that day.

Up close, watching Rodon’s pitches come right at us. And I’m still knitting my puffs.

Quite the vantage point.

And then we went home and looked for ourselves on TV. Look! There we are! Right above where it says “Progressive!” Very fun.

The next day we were back at the ballpark again, this time in the strikeout K section, where we get to hang the K signs every time our pitcher gets a strikeout.

Got some beautiful henna done for Lakshmi and Jaxon’s wedding!

And then promptly got up at 6am the next day to go run the Giant Race 5k that we had been training for all this time. Before / After!

You get to finish on the field, and they give you a tshirt, medal, and bobblehead! Very fun.

Afterwards, brunch at New Belgium.

Japantown for dinner… the smallest Where’s Waldo book at Kinokuniya. And Ramen from Marufuku.

More free Lululemon! Alex went to a yoga session as part of the Giants Race VIP perks, and they gave him a mystery gift, which we went to redeem at Westfield. They said if we took this sample Mirror class, we could have a $68 coupon. So we took it and turned it into this shirt. Thanks Alex!

Good Good Culture Club with Whitney & Ryan, visiting from NY.

Getting to meet Baby Valente for the very first time! Cassie and Michael were kind enough to invite us over for dinner, which was amazing with a wide array of dishes cooked by Cassie’s mom.

So delicious. Plus Josh with the other big Valente baby.

Meeting Uncle Alex


Monthly chats with Tiffany in Sydney

Helping Courtney with arts & crafts Cricut time, getting ready for Westy’s birthday party.

Lunch with Jeri and Dan and little Buster before my wedding in South Bay!

Westy’s Birthday!

Party favors from Westin’s birthday, and then Dillon’s, which I went to right afterwards. Big day for first birthdays!

Dinner made from my Westy’s Farm Stand haul.

Stadium lights were only on at half power for some reason. Caused a long delay! But we entertained ourselves by trying the Ghiradelli’s sundae for the first time.

More book club!

And a look at my reading log from the year, plus some fresh new nails, ready to head out on Midwest tour #2.

Come back soon for more dispatches from everyday life!

Anna Wu is a wedding and portrait photographer based in San Francisco. She compulsively documents and blogs all of her daily adventures. Follow her on instagram and view more of her professional work at