As promised, here are some more photos from the New York trip thus far. To start things off, we go to Central Park. My first reactions to the city: 1. it’s dirty. 2. there are too many people everywhere. I suppose these things make for a place with “character” that you can’t find anywhere else….

New York City

New York, New York! This is the first time I’ve been in New York since age 3, when I tagged along with my family to visit relatives in Jersey. And now here I am, enjoying a week-long spring break in the city of all cities. I have much to share, but for now, I will…


i am back! it’s like coming home, really. everything is just as familiar as always. it’s strange, because it seems like no time has elapsed since i last visited. i just fall right back into the pace of life here… oh, college. i flew in to run a workshop for the itasa (taiwanese american) conference……


flashback to 1990? when i was little, we drove from michigan to california, met up with my uncle from berkeley, and drove on over to yosemite national park. that’s my little cousin and me. 19 years later, it’s my february exploration. we took off on saturday morning and arrived in the winter wonderland less than…

Tilt Shift

at the end of january, our school had a professional development day up at the oakland zoo. it had nothing to do with the zoo– we just used a lodge building that was on the zoo property. but the off-campus outing was quite nice. it’s refreshing to get some perspective with a healthy dose of…


sometimes i still can’t believe i live in the bay area. oftentimes, i don’t have the presence of mind or the time to even appreciate that fact. my new goal is to get out and explore at least once a month. as my birthday gift from rebecca, we seized the long weekend and ventured up…


Time Lapse

yet another reason why macs are great: with this nifty little application called gawker, you can do a time lapse straight from the computer. just leave it there, tell it to capture every 15 seconds or so, and voila! a time lapse video. so i decided to time lapse the view from our apartment on…

City of Angels

nature takes a break from the rains to make another beautiful sunset. i miniaturized jon’s neighborhood. that’s the hollywood sign just out of sight in the back. becky & tom look over the city. looks like night, but sunset happens before 5pm. downtown

Eat Through LA

Eat Through LA

giant chocolate scone intelligentsia coffee becky preps for some grilled cheese goodness at her brother’s place tom chillin at jones’ cafe with some bruschetta seared ahi tuna from jones bacon avocado cheeseburger from astro burger

Four Hundred Miles

begin: east oakland. norcal suburbia– speedy highways and lots of strip malls. south bay– gas fillup, trader joe’s and starbucks. gilroy and such– agricultural california. lots and lots of cows. very garlicky garlic town. pancheco– driving through gorgeous hills, cutting across to the 5. I-5– 200 miles of highway, highway, and more highway. farms, nurseries,…

Into SFO

flying back to san francisco. the approach brings us low over the water. it must be the bay, though i have the familiar feeling that we’re descending into the ocean. just as the plane is getting low enough to be certain that land must be near, i see these strange looking pools in the water….